Oil is one of the most crucial commodities in the world that you cannot live without. This is because it is used in almost all industries that require energy input such as motor vehicle industry, power generation, and other numerous sectors. Your car probably uses oil, and there are very few that use alternative sources of energy. Although oil use also has some disadvantages especially to the environment, you cannot survive without using it. The following are some of the merits and demerits of using oil in energy generation.

Advantages of Oil Energy

Oil has High Energy Density.

This is one of the primary reason why it is almost impossible to use other forms of energy. You can use a small amount of natural gas to generate an enormous amount of energy that is necessary for running of machines. Car manufacturers prefer to use oil as the energy source primarily due to this reason.

Oil is Easily Available.

Oil is readily available in almost all parts of the world. You can readily access it for use, and this has been made possible by the efficient transport systems that are available in almost all places. Examples of the channels that are used to transport oil include ships, tankers, and pipelines. Other forms of energy such as electricity are not readily available especially in remote places such as some parts of Africa.

Oil is Used in a Variety of Industries.

Oil is used in almost all industries. You cannot easily find any other product that has massive use in virtually any kind of industry than oil energy. Almost all the goods that you are using have been produced using oil input at some stage in their production process. Oil is, therefore, one of the essential inputs in almost all industries in the world.

Oil is a Constant Power Source.

You will obviously find more pleasure relying on an energy source that is dependable. Oil is such a source as it has been proved to be always reliable in producing energy at all times of the day. Most engines that use oil energy have been designed using mature technology to ensure that they are less likely to break down. Oil energy is therefore very reliable as compared to sources such as solar and wind energy.

Disadvantages of Oil Energy

Emission of Greenhouse Gases.

This has been the biggest threat to using oil energy. After combustion, oil releases gases such as carbon dioxide and other greenhouse emissions. These gases are very harmful to the ozone layer as their accumulation encourages its deterioration. Continued destroying of the ozone layer ultimately leads to global warming. This occurrence can be very harmful to your survival on the earth. All countries in the world have made many treaties, but they have yielded limited results due to the high demand for the commodity.

Water Pollution.

You probably have heard about the BP oil spill that massively destroyed aquatic animals. Oil is transported in crude form. This makes water transport the most viable option for moving the commodity from one place to another. This leads to spills, and they are destructive to aquatic life.

Oil Refining Produces Highly Toxic Substances.

Oil is primarily a mixture of various hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons have to be refined first to be used in various ways. During this process, various toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and solids such as plastic are emitted.

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